Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yet Again

The best part of the teaching year is this few weeks between the holiday hoopla and the start of new classes.  As the new year rolls wayyy out in front of me, there is new air to breath, new students to anticipate and new ideas for my classes to contemplate.  Not so long as the summer months that one gets lost in distraction and loses focus, the prospect of courses needing attention in the near future keeps them bubbling gently on the back burners of thought.

This month, I''m preparing two new fully online courses for a new program at our campus -- ELOISE.  It is the first offering that the campus will have for pre-collegiate English students to take courses fully online (we have had hybrid courses for them for some time).  The English course is paired with a Human Development (college success) course and I'm teaching both.

I've had enough experience teaching English courses online to feel fairly comfortable about how to get started with that, but teaching HDEV for the first time AND doing so online has me churning out "what if?" ideas all day long.  With the opening week looming, I need to start making firm decisions--this, not that!  Although it is making me a little crazy, it's an exhilarated crazy, crazy in a good, good way.  Happy new semester, everyone!